I've got to admit something...I need to come clean with you all...I have a problem, a big one.
I am unhappy with my weight and how my body looks but I'm not putting in the effort to change my lifestyle to change what I am unhappy with.
Homework is always my number one excuse. I always have too much to do because I have a problem with procrastination, even after many vows to change. And there my friends, the procrastination, is the reason why homework becomes an excuse rather than a real reason. It is true that I have homework that needs to get done but when I don't use my time to do the homework; instead I'm watching TV or surfing the internet, I could really be working out. It makes me feel bad that I have to stress over getting homework done at the last-minute, and it also makes me feel bad that I am putting off my goals to become a healthier and happier person because I always say homework needs to get done first. So if it makes me feel bad why don't I change? I baffle myself because it seems like a no brainer to me.
I sometimes think if I had a personal trainer, or even just a friend to work out with, that I wouldn't put off my work outs. I need someone to push me to get up off my butt and do something. Too bad I can't teleport around the US to work out with all of you bloggers. Now that would be awesome ;)
Well in other news...
Nothing exciting happened Monday-Wednesday...well except for the season premiere of Survivor: Redemption Island. Boy oh boy was it ever a good one! I was almost jumping out of my seat while watching it and my brother and I were just talking away during it because we were so shocked. I don't want to discuss what happened incase you readers DVR'd it and haven't watched it yet. If you don't watch Survivor let me know...then I'll disclose the shocking news in my next blog. I can't wait for this week's episode now :)
Thursday was very, very foggy! I snapped a picture while driving to class around 10:30am. It was foggy like this all day! Cars without lights on were very difficult to see until they were right in front of you. Even cars with their lights on were hard to see until they were right in front of you. Definitely scary weather to drive in. It was just crazy if you ask me.
[caption id="attachment_46" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Would you guess there was a hill coming up??"]
I had made plans to watch the Gatorade Dual races with my mom and uncle at Phil's Round 2 (a bar) and have lunch so when class was dismissed at 1pm instead of 1:30pm I was super excited. It was still just as foggy as when I had driven into town, and stayed that way until after it got dark. My aunt ended up being at the bar as well to have lunch and watch the Dual races. We only watched one of the two races at the bar.
Friday a lot of schools around Wisconsin were closed due to not enough teachers coming into work and not enough substitutes being able to fill in. This was in response to Governor Scott Walker's Budget Repair bill. I'm sorry I'm not more informed to explain what is going on with my state government but from what I know the big issue is that state employees that are members of unions will lose their collective bargaining rights. I would say more but I do not want to misinform any one about what is going on in the state of Wisconsin.
Saturday I went to a Lia Sophia jewelery party with my mom and aunt. My mom and I picked out 3 items each, and then one item that we both really liked...maybe I'll post some pictures when it is delivered. After the party my mom, aunt, and I went to a bar to have lunch and watch the Nationwide race at Daytona.
Overall it was a pretty big weekend for NASCAR. Not only was it the season opener for all three series; Camping World Trucks, Nationwide, and Sprint Cup but it was also 10 years since the death of Dale Earnhardt. Michael Waltrip, who won the Daytona 500 on February 18, 2001, the day Dale died, won the Camping World Truck Series race on Friday night which was 10 years to the day that Dale died.
I am a Dale Earnhardt Jr. (Dale's son) fan so Saturday when he ran in the Nationwide series race I was cheering for him.
Again on Sunday for the Daytona 500 I cheered for my man Junior. I ended up taking a nap during the race though because I was super tired but I woke up for the really exciting part when the race was almost over. Trevor Bayne who had just turned 20 on Saturday won the Daytona 500 with one of the oldest race teams the Wood Brothers. Trevor became the youngest driver ever to win the Daytona 500 at 20 years and 1 day old. This was also Trevor's 2nd ever Sprint Cup race. The Daytona 500 is like the Super Bowl of NASCAR so it's a big deal to win it. Like I said, it was definitely a big weekend for NASCAR. Next weekend we're off to Phoenix.
[caption id="attachment_47" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Trevor in victory lane with the trophy"]
After the race I had to buckle down and read for my organizational behavior class (online) because I have an exam to take this week. I'm one chapter away from being done with the reading. I have until Friday to take the exam.
Tonight I needed to buckle down and read for my marketing class (meets Tues & Thurs 11-1:30) because I have an exam tomorrow. So far I have gotten an 82/100 and an 80/100 on my exams so I'm not too concerned about the exam tomorrow as long as I get the readings done and take the time to review the notes. I didn't get as much reading done tonight as I would have liked because I was distracted by all of the Monday night shows that were on. I'll be setting my alarm for 7am tomorrow morning to work on reading some more and reviewing my notes. Wish me luck!
I also have my first exam in my history of rock and roll class which I am concerned about. I haven't been doing as well on the weekly quizzes lately because I haven't been getting the entire reading done or listening to the lecture that my professor records. Procrastination is to blame here. I am definitely going to listen to the lectures I haven't listened to yet and finish the readings to hopefully help my exam score. I have to take the exam by 11:59pm on Wednesday.
Since I have an exam tomorrow I'll probably be done with class early so I have no reason to not hit the gym after class. Hold me to it blogger friends!! You have my permission to kick my butt should I fail ;)