As many of you know my family had to put our dog Duke to sleep in June. The day after was weird. We no longer had a dog in the house, or outside. The first time in my 21 years of life that I didn't have a dog. It was sad.
[caption id="attachment_206" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Duke after a grooming appointment 4/22/11"]
[caption id="attachment_200" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Duke waiting for my mom to come up the driveway 6/3/11 (while he was sick :( )"]
No dog can ever replace Duke but we wanted a dog in our family again. And funny enough the one thing my mom agreed to before she married my dad, he would always have a hunting dog. So the topic came up the very next day about getting a puppy.
Monday (6/13/11) we attempted to contact Holly, the breeder we had gotten Duke from. Her number was no longer in service. I searched online but kept coming up with the same number. So our search turned to the internet. My dad and I were Googling like crazy. We ended up emailing two kennels that night; one responded within 10-15 minutes with a video of his puppies and then shortly after called my dad. We ended up setting up a time to come out and look at the puppies as there were four males available.
Tuesday morning at work I checked my email and was pleasantly surprised to see an email from the other kennel we had emailed. I responded back requesting that he call that evening.
Again we set up a time to come out and see the puppies. We were lucky that we could visit both litters on the same day which also happened to be my birthday. Bet you were wondering why I was on the road when I mentioned it in my last blog weren't you? ;)
Finally Saturday rolled around and we went to see both litters. The first puppies we saw were much older and would be ready to be picked up the weekend of the 25th and 26th. While the puppies were cute (but what puppies aren't?) they weren't what we were looking for.
We ate at Red Lobster between stops. The second litter of puppies were much younger and wouldn't be ready to go to their new homes until mid July. Even at a young age we were able to pick a favorite, boy #7.
We decided we wanted boy #7 by the time we got on the high way but waited to call them back until the next night. We put a deposit down and then all we had to do was wait.
We were expecting to pick up our puppy, who we decided to name Bo, on the 16th of July until we received a call on June 30th saying they had miscounted how many weeks old they would be and we could actually pick Bo up on the 9th.
We were prepared with a new blue collar and leash along with treats.
And finally what you've all been waiting!
[caption id="attachment_201" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Bo in the car on our way home :)"]
Bo weighed in at 12 pounds Saturday at our vet and already by Wednesday night he weighed 14.5 pounds. He's growing up so fast!! :) or :( ???
[caption id="attachment_204" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Sleeping next to me on the way home"]
[caption id="attachment_203" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="He decided he needed a new sleeping position"]
[caption id="attachment_202" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Bo between my feet :) Love my puppy!"]
[caption id="attachment_205" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Sleepy puppy after hanging out in our yard. Much bigger than he's used to so he did lots more running around"]
Well there you have it! My secret/surprise has finally been revealed and I posted all the pictures I have of him right now.
My parents and I are going camping this weekend so I'll be sure to take more pictures. Sadly, I do not get cell phone reception or internet connection at the campground we're going to so I'll be unplugged until I get home. I don't mind being unplugged but I would like to be able to do some blog posting while it's just me and Bo at the camper while my parents are at wedding.
Still to come my Country Fest 2011 recap! Have a great weekend!!
Awwww. (: So happy you got another dog.
YAY for the doggie. That is so exciting. I'm super pumped for you. I can't wait to hear about the country fest girl. I'm glad to have ya back. :)
Thanks I'm happy we got another dog too! It was so weird to not have one for the first time in 21 years.
I definitely need to fix the pictures and captions in my blog (or that are supposed to be) so you can see more than just those two pictures of Bo!
Thanks Hollie! I would have posted sooner but I'm sure you understand that I was totally wrapped up in playing with Bo every night after work. And to top it off Bo likes to chew on computer cords and screens (yes!) so I find it easier to not try and be on my computer with him around.
Even though I won't have internet access I'm thinking I'll type up my Country Fest blog post in Word so it will be all ready to go when I return to civilization (home).
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