About The Blog

Welcome to Living and Learning to be Country Strong!

This is my personal blog where I will be sharing my journey to a healthy weight and body that I am happy with.  I will not be limiting myself as to what I can write about.  I will share with you some day-to-day things of being a 20-something college student, some recipes and my eats, some workouts, and my thoughts on all sorts of things.  Basically whatever I feel like sharing with you all that will result in a "journal" of my life.

How did you come up with the name Living and Learning to be Country Strong?

In January of 2011 I saw the movie Country Strong with my mom and loved the movie along with many songs.  When I got home I immediately downloaded the soundtrack to my iPod.  The song Country Strong makes me feel motivated, inspired, and like the lyrics are about me (or I think they can describe myself).

I don't really have a plan for this blog at this point except to use it as an escape for myself; where I can put my thoughts and feelings out there instead of keeping them bottled up inside.  The purpose of this blog may change as I find what works for me and what I like to write about.  Basically I'm going to write and share with my readers what I feel like, not restrictions to being strictly about healthy living, food, exercise, or anything else.  If people actually read this then great!  If you think there is something I should add to this "About" section please let me know!  I want this to be a good source of background information for my readers about my blog.