Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wild Rollercoaster Ride

That is exactly what this whole thing with my dog Duke has been.  The last time I posted (Friday 6/3/11) I was all excited that things were improving with him.  Unfortunately they went back downhill.  Duke was vomiting a lot, unable to keep food down.  Monday morning when I went to give him his second medicine he didn't want the peanut butter sandwich that the pill was hiding in.  I called the vet and got some tips of what to do to try to help.  The next morning I called with an update for the vet about whether that helped.  It didn't.  Our vet decided to take him off of the antibiotics he's on as some dogs are really sensitive to it and hopefully that's what is irritating his stomach.  Luckily it seems like that's what it was.  Since taking him off the antibiotics he's been keeping food down and even made it through the whole night last night without vomiting!  I don't want to jinx it but things are starting to look up again.  In a week, if all goes well between now and then, our vet is going to probably put him back on the antibiotics but at a lower dose.

I feel terrible about neglecting my blog, reading and commenting on yours, and my journey to a healthier life.  But sometimes there are just more important things in life.  It's sad that dogs have a shorter life span than us.  Duke may be the second dog our family has had but he's the one that's made that special connection with us.  Don't get me wrong, we loved our first dog, but Duke just has such a different personality and he's not so much a daddy's boy, he'll do things with all of us and craves attention from us all and shows it in such funny ways.  To have Duke hurting, not feeling well, or possible have something so wrong with him that we would need to say good-bye is soooo hard.  Monday and Tuesday morning I've cried on the phone to my mom who is all the way in Denver for work this week.  Yesterday was the first day I didn't cry, and now I'm continuing with that today.

I appreciate all of your prayers, thoughts, and well wishes so so so so much!  If you don't mind I ask that you continue sending them my way until Duke is deemed "better" by the vet and we're no longer worrying and constantly noting things that happen with him so we can update the vet.  Basically keep sending them my way until this rollercoaster ride is over and I'm safely back on solid ground.

I'll do my best to get back into blogging, my journey to a healthier life, and of course following your blogs soon!


lifttorun said...

Don't even worry about blogging. Your dog should come first.

Amy @ countrystrong21 said...

Duke definitely does come first. But I feel because I've put blogging to the bottom of my priority list so has my journey to a healthier lifestyle because I'm not posting about my life so no one but my family knows whether I'm trying to change my habits for the better.

Even if I could blog just a little bit more than what I have been I would feel better about things. I definitely need to post about my emotional/stress induced Mountain Dew consumption!

Hollie @ Lolzthatswim(andRun) said...

Girl. We are here for you weather you like it o not. You don't need to worry about blogging all the time and whatnot. I certainly don't blog all the time about my life and it's great that way. Do what makes you happy and we believe in you. :)

Amy @ countrystrong21 said...

Oh gosh Hollie...I was about ready to spill some tears from reading your comment. Must be the emotional rollercoaster's effects ;)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I cannot say it enough! You are always such a great friend!

Sophia @ Raven Waves said...

Don't worry at all about not blogging! Life takes priority, especially when it involves loved ones. My prayers are with you and Duke!!! <3

logginnbloggin said...

:( dont worry about blogging!! totes not as important, im thnking of you and duke!

Amy @ countrystrong21 said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you 100 times thank you!

Amy @ countrystrong21 said...

Thank you so much. I cannot seem to say that enough!