Friday, December 2, 2011

Things have been busy...

...and I just haven't taken the time to write any blog posts.  I want to get back into it and with the fall semester coming to an end in two short weeks I should start having more time.

I'm going to share with you some big things (I think anyways) that have happened since my last blog post.

  • I maintained the same weight from August 30th until November 29th.  It's not what I was hoping to do but at least I didn't gain.  Tuesday marked the day I re-committed to my weight loss journey.  No matter how many times I have to do this I will until I've reached my goals.  And speaking of goals I have an upcoming mini goal of losing 5 pounds by December 31st and a bigger mini goal of losing 20 pounds by April 1st.  This should give me something to blog about. :)
  • I have been soda free since Tuesday.  If you knew me in "real life" you would know that soda has always been a part of my life, and has probably contributed to my weight gain over the years.  Because it's always been a part of my life saying no is such a tough thing to do.  I have had a headache Wednesday evening and yesterday afternoon through the night.  I am hoping that today I'm past the headache stage because having that headache just makes me want to give in to the craving of having a soda even more.  I've kept myself sane by having a drink or two here or there from my mom's.  But even she's trying to be better about her soda intake so at least I'm not completely alone in this struggle.  The weekend is going to be the hardest struggle of them all but I'm going to stay strong and say no!  Cutting out soda should help with the weight loss so I'm going to really work at staying on track with this.
  • I went out a total of four nights last week; three of the four nights I was out until the bars closed.  It's messed with my sleeping schedule a bit since I was getting used to sleeping until 11:30 to make up for being up until the wee hours of the morning.  But I'm getting that back on track and I think the messed up sleep schedule was completely worth it.  I've been having a great time going out and meeting new people and reconnecting with those I already know.  So far this week I haven't gone any where but it's only 10 am on Friday so the weekend is still early - never know where it will take you!
That's probably about the biggest stuff that's been going on in my life that's actually blog worthy.  With only two weeks left of the semester I'm realizing that I have a lot of work to get done in not a whole lot of time any more.  With that being said if I disappear for another two-ish weeks you know that my head is buried in a book or I'm typing away on a computer for school.  I finally have a battery charger for my camera so maybe I'll remember to take some pictures during these upcoming weeks so when I do have a chance to blog again I can share with you all a bit better what I was up to.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving the other week.  I can't believe it's December already and Christmas is right around the corner!  I look forward to the break from school coming up so I can spend more time reading and writing blog posts.  Talk to you all again soon!


Anonymous said...

Well done Amy being soda free. I know that is such a struggle! Are you back on Spark?

I would love for you to do a biweekly recap of how your weight loss is going!

Amy said...

Good luck with your goals! I wish I could give up soda, the caffeine headaches I get are so bad, I just don't want to deal with them to give it up.